About Me.

I am passionate about all things to do with health from what you eat to your lifestyle choices, how you feel and how all that affects your body. I love teaching how you can use plant based medicine to heal your body. Food, flower essences, aromatherapy, culinary herbs and energy healing. Just as nature intended. 

With more than 2000 hours of formal study, and 20 years experience in Natural and Energetic Medicine I have so much knowledge and experience to share with you to help you ReNew Your Health and give you a new lease of life……..but my career didn’t start out this way………I was working in a finance job that wasn’t fulfilling. I was on a 9-5 treadmill. I’d abused my body and felt tired and depressed. I hated feeling like this and so one day I chose to do something about it. What I really wanted to do was travel. That was November 1997, age 23 and off I went.

While on this trip I had a “wake up” call. I had a dream that was telling me to go home and sort myself out. And I did. I was home within 3 weeks.

I’d spent the previous 7 years in a state of self-destruct, depressed, in a fog and lacking direction. I knew there was something missing but didn’t know how to find “it”.

This dream changed my life. I stopped smoking, drinking spirits (still enjoyed the odd glass of wine or champagne!!), recreational drugs and Oral Contraceptive Pill. I wanted to get vibrant and healthy again. So I cleaned up my diet and did some training in holistic therapies.

I continued to work in finance for the next 5 summers and went away for the winters. I wasn’t happy in finance. I felt gray and dull inside but it was paying for amazing adventures so I stuck with it………until on one of my trips I met a girl who was a Beauty Therapist and was moving onto Australia to train as a Naturopath. I was really inspired.

So I looked at my options and as a first step out of finance I trained as a Beauty Therapist. (Naturopathy was too big a commitment at the time).

I worked as a Beauty Therapist for a few years and loved every minute and my life was really flowing. I met my husband and in the 9 months before our wedding I did some serious research into preparing for having a baby. I cleaned up my diet even more, cutting out all junk food and wine. I wanted to conceive easily. The preparation had worked and we came back from honeymoon pregnant and I had a healthy pregnancy.

When our son was a year old I had a miscarriage. It was a low point, but I was also aware that there must be a reason why I was being thrown “off course”. It turned out I was being thrown “on course”. I realised I wasn’t reaching my full potential, my ultimate goal of becoming a Naturopath.

I enrolled with the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London to study Nutritional Therapy.  Working my way through the first Biomedicine year set the bar for what I was to learn about Nutrition and how important our unique biochemistries are. Learning about the consequences of a deficincy in this mineral or that vitamin and learning pathology and reading blood tests really made this training superior to being a Health Coach. I was trained from a Functional Medicine point of view. Looking for the root cause that started the cascade of events leading to the health issue you have today. Qualified to prescribe therapeutic treatment plans using foods and therapeutic dose culinary herbs. Food really is medicine. I am also qualified to prescribe therapeutic dose supplementation plans.

I went on to have a daughter, beautifully timed to fit into my college schedule. I believe that it happened so easily because I was committed to my healthy diet and lifestyle. I’d cleared up my imbalances with foods and supplements and I was intune with my body.

Since 2011 I’ve been working as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Health is for me is wholistic, looking at the whole person. This means looking at diet but it also means looking at lifestyles and your emotional health. So I also use the NES Wellness system to help clear emotional blockages and rebalance your energy field and HeartMath to reduce stress and rewire negative patterns in the brain.

I’ve chosen a Lotus flower as my logo. It symbolises my journey. The Lotus starts as a small flower down at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It slowly grows up towards the waters surface, continually moving towards the light. Once it comes to the surface it begins to blossom and turn into a beautiful flower. It represents to me the true essence of powerful change within us. We start in the muddy depths and continually learn and grow transforming as we bloom into our beautiful potential. The colours are significant because they represent the Chakra System and phytonutrient spectrum of colours. The Heart……well I put my heart into everything I do.

On my journey I am constantly learning. I have done and continue to train with supplement companies and have regular mentor session to keep up to date with the latest research. I’m working with Functional testing to really see what is happening in your body. This takes the guess work out, as so many of your symptoms could relate to different imbalances in your body. We get to make better treatment and supplementation plans to target your individual needs and get you healing quicker. I am also committed to working with your GP/Consultant. I think there is a gap between natural medicine and allopathic medicine and i’d like to help bridge it. So I have taken my studies further and am an AFMCP graduate with the Institute of Functional Medicine, also completed all 6 of their Advance Practice Modules, I’ve also done advanced training in reading blood tests and an additional Pharmacology course. To further my interest in how mind body and emotions are linked I have taken training in NES Bioenergetics, Heart Math, German New Medicine, Theta Healing and now finally my “official” Naturopathy training. I say official because over the years I’ve done various individual modules, and now finally tying them all together under 1 official title!

I am the resident Nutritional Therapist in 100% Health store in Jersey and the creator of the ReNew Your Health in 90 Days program that ties all my knowledge and experience under 1 roof.

I look forward to helping you to reclaim your health and vitality.

Best wishes for ReNewed Health








  • Ayurvedic Wellness Coach – Shakti School – Feb 2024
  • Diploma in Naturopathy – The College of Naturopathic Medicine – Oct 2021
  • Master Herbalist Diploma – Continuing Professional Development Certificate – May 2020
  • Energy 4 Life Coach – Jan 2020
  • Iridology and Foundations of Natural Medicine 2 week Immersion – School of Natural Medicine – September 2019
  • Healing Diets 2 week Immersion – School of Natural Medicine – May 2019
  • Theta Healing Dig Deeper – May 2019
  • Theta Healing® – Basic DNA & Advanced DNA – March 2018
  • Roxby Online Culinary School – 2018
  • Heart Math Interventions Program – 2018
  • German New Medicine – 2018 – Module 1 -Module 2
  • IFM – 2017/2018 6 Advanced Practice Modules (Cardio Metabolic, Immune, Hormone, Energy, GI, Detox)
  • AFMCP – March/April 2017 – Institute for Functional Medicine
  • NES Wellness system training – March 2017
  • Professional Certificate of Merit in Basic Pharmocology – 2016
  • Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis course – 2016
  • Certificate and advanced Certificate of Numerology – 2015
  • Diploma in Nutritional Therapy – 2011- The College of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Jessica Nails Level 2- 2004
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming- Paul McKenna & Richard Bandler – 2005
  • Emotional Freedom Technique- 1 day course- 2007
  • Homeopathy First Aid workshop- 2006
  • Craniosacral Therapy Level 2 – The Upledger Institute, Inc – 2006
  • Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 – The Upledger Institute, Inc – 2005
  • Advanced Reflexology (A.R.T) – 2005
  • Advanced Reflexology (A.R.T) – 2004
  • Traditional Indonesian Massage & Rituals – 2004
  • Diploma in Beauty Specialist Techniques Level 2 – 2004
  • Bush Flower Remedies workshop – 2004
  • Ka Huna Bodywork Advanced Level – 2004
  • Ka Huna Massage & Holistic Principals – 2004
  • Sports Massage Certificate – 2003
  • Thermal Auricular Therapy Certificate – 2003
  • Sekhem Advanced – 2003
  • Diploma in Holistic Therapies (Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology) – 2002
  • Sekhem Level 2 – 2002
  • Sekhem Level 1 – 2002
  • Diploma in Thai Massage – 1998
  • Reiki 2 Usui System – 1999
  • Reiki 1 Usui System – 1998
  • Diploma in Indian Head Massage – 1998
  • Diploma in Reflexology – 1998
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