Australian Bush Flower Essences.



The  Bush Essences are a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves or prescribe for others. Although Flower Remedies have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century – sexuality, communication skills and spirituality to name but a few. The answer to this need (which has come from the Australian plants), has been developed and researched by Naturopath, Ian White, a fifth generation Australian herbalist.

Ian grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his grandmother, like her mother before her, specialised in using Australian plants and would often take him bush walking. From her deep understanding she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He learned a profound respect for nature through her and went on to become a practitioner and a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.

Australia has the world’s oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Also Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

At this time there is a tremendous new vitality in this country. This, combined with the inherent power of the land, is why the Australian Bush Flower Essences are unique. Practitioners and prescribers world wide are now incorporating the Australian Essences to form an integral part of their therapy.

The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one’s life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one’s goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one’s life. Then everyone benefits the individual, society and the planet.

The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self – love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.

Everything in existence has a unique vibrational rate. Our bodies differ in vibration both internally and externally and vibrational imbalance affects the quality of our lives in many ways.

These unique formulas have been blended using Australian Bush Flower Essences with rare remedial qualities, ecologically gathered in unpolluted and naturally occurring regions of the vast Australian landscape.

The history of `Flower Essences can be traced back many thousands of years with many cultures using Flower Essences to treat emotional health and wellbeing. We are once again beginning to understand that emotional wellbeing is a major component of good health in the whole person. Flower Essences have been described as vibrational therapy and Australian Bush Flower Essences professional range of pure botanical Flower Essences are used all over the world to help manage the emotional demands of everyday life. Flower Essences can be used by the whole family including your pets – they are pure and natural.

Wording supplied courtesy of Australian Bush Flower Essences, all rights reserved.

What to expect from your consultation

During your consultation I will ask you to fill out a questionnaire to find out your emotional state of mind and what is holding you back right now and from your past experiences. From there we will have a chat and decide which essence/s that will go in your personalized remedy blend. You will take this remedy for a period of time – usually 2 weeks – to help dissolve the emotional problems that are holding you back to becoming the best you. Follow up appointments may be made if there is more than one are to work with.

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