Do you have a health concern? I believe that prevention is better than cure when it comes to your health, but I also believe that your body can heal itself if you give it the right tools, the right nutrients… read more →
Channel TV called me today to ask my opinion on reintroducing milk back into schools. It’s National Milk day tomorrow. I didn’t want to go on TV but I do want you to know the facts about dairy and healthy… read more →
My son got sent home from school on Monday full of cold. I’ve been studying the chemistry of essential oils and gave them a go. I diffused a combination oil to help him breathe and massaged an immune boosting oil… read more →
Kicking Sugar Cravings There is more to kicking sugar cravings than just tweaking your diet. If you have hormonal imbalances are stressed, have low energy levels or mood, have a bacterial/yeast overgrowth then changing your diet is going to help,… read more →
I’ve been quiet on the posting front for a while. I’ve been busy studying, as ever, but also implementing the use of Functional Testing into my practice as a Nutritional Therapist as it provides a much clearer, much more immediate picture of… read more →